

Teacher(魏梓阳): Oh dear! What happened? Why these fruits and vegetables are lying all around! What shall I do? I need to call the fireman, right now!

(Calling 119) (魏梓阳): Hello? This is Teacher Wang from No. 1 Primary School. Theres an accident in our campus, and we need help!

(Fireman picking up phone)

Fireman(张睿林熙): Hello, Mr. Wang, whats going on?

Teacher(魏梓阳): Im not sure…… This morning when I came to school, I saw fruits and vegetables are everywhere! And seems theres something wrong with a truck, because it stops there.

Fireman(张睿林熙): Is anyone hurt?

Teacher(魏梓阳): I guess no Luckily today is Sunday, and no students come to school today. I didnt see anyone nearby

Fireman(张睿林熙): Is the truck on fire?

Teacher(魏梓阳): No.

Fireman(张睿林熙): I think you dial the wrong number. Please call 110, and policeman will handle this.

Teacher(魏梓阳): OK, Ill do that.

(Calling 110) (魏梓阳): Hello? This is Teacher Wang from No. 1 Primary School. Theres an accident in our campus, and we need help!

(Policeman coming)

Policeman(席时鉴): Hello Mr. Wang,  please tell me what happened here?

Teacher(魏梓阳): I am not very sure

(Cook rushing in)

Cook(赵芸禾): Help, help!

Policeman(席时鉴):  Do not panic! Who are you, and what happened?

Teacher(魏梓阳): I know him Hes the cook of our school.

Cook(赵芸禾): Yes. This morning I drove the truck to buy fruits and vegetables for the school, and everything was fine until
