On arriving at destination. I was grab by the captivating scenery. The view is quite different from China. Of course I enjoy the fresh air and blue sky here, particularly the sunset near the seaside. That’s awesome, I really love it.
After distribute to the home stay, I was amazed to find that I can see the ocean through my window. By the way, the dinner was yummy. It made of rice. It likes some kind of Chinese food. Then we saw Harrison show how his rocket works. His father said that he wants to create one the can fly higher than his teacher’s. But it turns out to fall into the ground.
It took us 3 and half hours to get to Canberra. We first visited a factory where made coins. It showed us the process of making coins. And also, it showed us the process of how the coins changing into today’s shape and appearance. The staircase impressed me a lot there were coins in it. But when we saw it far away, it looked like as if there were many shining spots. Afterward, we went to Australia’s parliament, one of the meeting place is in red, is the symbol of the mineral Fe3O4 there. Because Fe3O4 is in red color. One of others is in green-blue. It stands for the blue sky and ocean here. It’s because of the climate here. Australia is a freedom equally country, it can refer from the rules. When they are having a meeting, everyone can be the audience there, everyone is allowed to be a listener. It’s pretty cool.
Can you image waiting at the bus stop for nearly two hours or more? Yes, we make it. This morning I got up at 9:00 because the driver told us we would be picked up at 9:45 or later but not earlier. And then when I was brushing my teeth, I was told that the time change to 9:15. I took my breakfast and ate it at bus stop. It took us really long time waiting for the driver. Oh, my goodness, we were expected to be picked up at 9:15, but we finally picked up at 11:00. The first stop is Sydney Opera we took photos there is boiling hot. After lunch we went to Taranga Zoo to see koalas and kangaroos in particular. The vision on the sky safari is really nice. We can saw Sydney Opera and Suspension bridge. The weather was getting cool when the sunset. I enjoy this feeling.
话说今天的景点用英文是在不好下笔,所以我选择用中文代之。所谓前车之鉴就好比,昨天说9:45集合,当我9:00起床后慢慢悠悠的刷牙时,一个电话打来说9:15集合,我今天7点多就强迫自己起床了。是的,这个教训不得不吸取,做事要打提前量。在车站等了十几分钟后,还未见其踪影,我很夸张的说了一句:“打个赌吧,我猜今天车会晚1个小时”。也许吧,带点讽刺的意思,不过很隐晦。今天换了个导游,是个研究生,工作做的很到位,大家也都挺喜欢的。Blue Mountain 这个景点不好介绍,只能躬行才可以体会。说是因为桉树的原因山的表面会笼罩一层蓝色的雾,心想,蓝色代表忧郁,岂不是整个人都会变落寞了?古人云:女子伤春悲秋,若是李清照还健在,不是又会多两行伤心泪?景点不好描述 ,这种感觉只有要身临其境才行,不能言传。所谓“道可道,非常道”,或许有点不恰当,大概就是这个意思。这打开了我的话匣子,现在正值夕阳西下,太阳的最后一抹余晖映红了此时此刻的这片天,这片云,我知道接下来一定是寥寥的星辰,不管怎样,夕阳也好,星辰也罢,沧海一粟,我显得如此渺小。那么人存在的意义在哪里?我在心里打了个问号,应该三言两语无法诠释,但也许人一生的意义就在于寻找或者的意义吧!突然想到同学说过的一句话,人这一生就像一趟列车,可惜只有单行票,就像龙应台目送里说的:“妈妈是那个搭错了时光机却再也找不到回程路的旅人”人生的意义也归宗于此。“夕阳无限好只是近黄昏”难道这就是我沉迷于夕阳景色的原因?难道人只有到风烛残年的那段光阴时才会明白活着的意义?引人深思。