
2013-03-06 15:20:57 来源:全国实用英语超级联赛组委会 浏览:0



It took us 3 and half hours to get to Canberra. We first visited a factory where made coins. It showed us the process of making coins. And also, it showed us the process of how the coins changing into today’s shape and appearance. The staircase impressed me a lot there were coins in it. But when we saw it far away, it looked like as if there were many shining spots. Afterward, we went to Australia’s parliament, one of the meeting place is in red, is the symbol of the mineral Fe3O4 there. Because Fe3O4 is in red color. One of others is in green-blue. It stands for the blue sky and ocean here. It’s because of the climate here. Australia is a freedom equally country, it can refer from the rules. When they are having a meeting, everyone can be the audience there, everyone is allowed to be a listener. It’s pretty cool.